Poem- "Mind is Without Fear When You're Heartless..."
A poem by Shambhu Rai What you feel is from your heart.. What you think & do is from your mind.. A trust and love from your heart.. That always terrifies your mind.. Cause, it always wants to be a master.. However it is just a servant to be... Heartless world calls it as a victor.. Yet it is just a minion to be.. In the eyes of a confident soul.. There is no hidden secret... The mind is merely a menial... A real mastery lies in the heart... Hence mind gets crazier... Whenever heart says something ... But then finds itself safer and be happier... Unless there is no pressure by heart on anything... Now the mind is without fear... Once you're heartless & nothing to do with it here... More on: https://raiiiishambhu.blogspot.com.