Believe in Yourself, Know Your Strength and Make a History…

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Successful people don’t do different things but they do the same thing differently. They aren't from diverse planet and they don't have divinity either which you don't have. Those successful people of today had their innumerable failures in the past however they did not quit rather they fell and rose up time and again and they are unstoppable now.

Like Steve jobs says (CEO of Apple computers and of Pixar Animation Studios) every dot in life that you experience works as a foundation of success step when you look joining those dots at throwback however you don't feel like it's building your step for future goal at the time of happening instance.
 No matter if you are entrepreneur, sportsman, job seeker, etc. Let's see in the eyes of an entrepreneur who might have seen repeated downfalls due the lack of proper learning  knowledge of running business, as a job seeker you might have been disqualified and not selected in a number of interviews, and  as a sportsman you might have lost several chances of being selected to create a history in Olympic.

I would like to forego with an inspirational story of the ultra runner Mira Rai (1988 Dec 31st Bhojpur Nepal ) , former Maoist combatant who wanted to join Nepalese army right after peace process conducted with certain agreement by the government of Nepal and Maoist Party with the representation of UN which concluded the army integration and disqualified her.  She was born in Bhojpur, a hilly district of Nepal who joined Maoist army (PLA) during insurgency period of Nepal at early teenage. Dots in life her life, Mira Rai explains that she would carry water pot/jar {ghaila and gagro} and walk through the hill side which was her daily routine but it's an extra-ordinary exercise that truly needed as an ultra-runner. She would feel pity on herself being a village girl with limited facilities and destined hard times. But all of her failures and struggles have been paid through her success. She has been widely known for ultra-race.

You might have heard about the world record holder a Hungarian army named Karoly, who is known as the best shooter of Hungary and was eagerly waiting to participate in the year 1936 Olympic. He was solely focused on shooting and was preparing by all means but unfortunately there was an incident while he was in arm-training, a hand-grenade was blasted where he lost his right hand for ever. Everyone was shocked and consoled him showing pity. But he did not give up rather he focused on his strength what he has instead of worrying for what he had lost and did not have at that time. He did not let anyone know about his preparation for Olympic with his left hand. 

One day when national championship of Hungary for the best shooter competition was going on he went there and surprised every participant. Everyone thought, there, he came to applause the participants but they were startled when he opened his words that he went there for competition. Finally he won the national competition. He was all prepared for 1940s Olympic but due  to the world war it could not happen so did the Olympic 1944s too. Later in 1948s Olympic he finally got chance to participate and he showed his best shooting wave to the universe by winning the gold medal. He not only won 48s Olympic but also he participated in 1952s Olympic and created a history ever by winning gold medal for consecutive two Olympics in the history.

Here, if Steve jobs did not have believed in himself, Mira Rai just worried for her future and regretted for what she did not qualify and Karoly did not know his real strength and curse his fate for losing right hand and he did not carry his strength through left hand, would you imagine where would they be then?
Therefore, everything happens for a reason. It's only you, just be yourself, know your strength and make a history…
All the best!
Shambhu Bachhana Rai-AE


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